50 Pounds for 50 Years

A journey from fat and unhealthy to lean and fabulous!

Thursday, March 25, 2010


Last night I had the chance to go out to dinner with my three bestest friends. We had dinner at a really nice pub and - yes - I did fine. Had a great spinach salad, a few corn chips and some well deserved chocolate.
As it usually does with women, the conversation at one point turned to eating, dieting, body image, aging skins, all those female type thoughts. Now you all know I suffer terribly with body image and self esteem issues related to my weight. But what I found out from these three gorgeous, talented, successful and THIN women was that I am not alone in my issues. It seems that even women whose body types I aspire to, have "issues" at times with how they look.
Amazing! Got me to thinking: is this our culture, a result of the diet and youth obsessed media, or is it just normal for all of us to feel a little "low" sometimes?
You can't watch tv, open a magazine or even a newspaper these days without seeing ads for diet programs, anti-aging skin care, gyms. The thought you get while watching these or reading them is that you are not good enough the way you are and you NEED to change. It's like a mind game being played on us. Use this cream and your skin will feel better; join this gym and get those abs you really desire; try this diet plan and be the thinnest you've ever been.
I kind of realized I really don't need to be told all that by strange advertisors.
I have my girlfriends to discuss those life things with. Their advice and support and kind words are more productive and supportive to me than any diet plan, skin cream or gym equipment.
Going out to dinner : $30.00
New blouse I bought for it: $ 25
Girlfriends: PRICELESS

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