50 Pounds for 50 Years

A journey from fat and unhealthy to lean and fabulous!

Sunday, March 28, 2010


Why is it that the weekends are always the hardest for dieting?
At least for me.
During the week I have a lot of STRUCTURE. I get up, go to work all day, come home to exercise and then go to bed.
I can keep on track without any real problems.
But on the weekends, when I have more time on my hands, I've also realized I have more time to EAT FOR NO REASON other than I'M BORED!
I can only exercise SO much so I need other mind-controlling things to do.
I've been reading a lot, but that kind of always make me want to snack.
I've been exercising, but that only makes me hungrier!
On the weekends I need to do all the things I can't do during the week due to work obligations, such as grocery shop - there's a diet buster for you! - laundry, ironing, cleaning the house, etc.
After a while, I just want to eat something to break up the tedium.
I realize this is a big problem, because boredom, tedium, whatever name you give to it is definitely a diet killer.
I KNOW I need to keep journaling on the weekends;
I KNOW I need to keep on track with proteins, fast and slow carbs.
I KNOW I need to keep exercising - this is actually getting easier, thank you Jesus!
I know all these things and I still want a cookie.
Does this ever get easier? Will I EVER not want to eat junk?
AM I just being a baby? Shouldn't I do what I tell everyone else to do and just SUCK IT UP! Get on with the program and stop obsessing about what I can and can not eat; GROW UP even!
Okay, that felt better.
Sometimes you just have to yell at yourself to break thru the crap.
Okay, going for a walk now. That will help.

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