50 Pounds for 50 Years

A journey from fat and unhealthy to lean and fabulous!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

The first hurdle

Okay, so day one has come and gone - thankfully! I was "good" all day - no sweets, no mindless eating, no televisin trance noshing. And then my hubby said, "let's take our daughter out to dinner as a treat before she leaves for school tomorrow ." Really? I'm trying to diet and you want to go out?? "WHere to?" I asked.
"Olive Garden. She loves that place."
Olive Garden? Friggin' OLIVE GARDEN??!! A carbohydrates lovers' mecca? A dieter's hell on earth!!??
Okay, so I bit the proverbial diet bullet and went. I had a plan and - believe or not - stuck with it. I had soup and salad, that's it. No bread; no pasta; no delicious oozy desserts.
Can you spell DEPRIVATION!!!??
All around me, including at my own table, were delicious, carb heavy, calorie laden delights. I smelled grilled salmon coming from my right, done in a creamy white sauce reduction; to my left a lady had a bowl of endless pasta with thick red sauce and meatballs the size of soccer balls. When the dessert tray went by I nearly cried.
But I held true and never once reached for a hot garlicy bread stick our waiter had so nicely ( read "meanly!") placed on our table
Oh well, at least I know I can do it if I really put my mind to it. So, for all that deprivation ,I'm down 2/10 of a pound this am on the scale. I was really hoping for a full pund, not 2/10's of one,but I'll take what I can get. At least it's a loss.
We'll see what temptations and hurdles come my way today.

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