50 Pounds for 50 Years

A journey from fat and unhealthy to lean and fabulous!

Saturday, January 9, 2010


So let me tell you how wonderful my hubby is: he installed cable in the basement so that I can use the workout equipment there and not get bored out of my mind! Sweet! I was able to start my 10,000 steps a day today on the treadmill and I was never bored or even tired once. I can't stand exercising. I'm neither proud nor ashamed to admit that. I just don't like sweating! But walking and doing weights never allows me to sweat, so I can dig that. ANd if I can dig it, I can and will do it, so thanks, Bud. Love ya.
As far as the diet regime goes, today I listened to an audio program about the "dirty dozen." 12 food categories and ingredients that resist weight loss. Most are pretty well know: white enriched flour, sugar ,processed meats. All the stuff that's in the stuff I love to eat: bread, cake, pasta! Foods to live by - but not to keep weight off by. So now when I go shopping I Have to really look at the nutritional labels and avoid everything that has any of these ingredients listed as the first four things. More about these things to follow. For now, off to Church.

Friday, January 8, 2010

One week down

So I'm in a negative number catagory. Yippie! And right on track - 2.4 pounds for the first week. Not bad. I start exercizing tomorrow - that is if this lousy cold every abates! I've stopped blowing out brain matter, but still feel like crap. Anyway, diet talk: According to the program I am eating every 2-3 hrs and am starting to feel hungry between meals, which is what is to be expected when the metabolism starts to speed up. So this looks like it is working so far. I usually never feel hungry until I am absolutely starving, and by then I am getting comatose from sugar lows. Now, I am starting to feel hungry which Robert Ferguson tells you is what is supposed to happen. So at least I am doing something right.
The nice thing is that I am eating real food, not processed stuff and I am enjoying the preparation part of the cooking again. FOr the first time in my marriage my Hubby and I will be eating the same thing at meal times. As far as exercising, Larry is planning on hooking up the cable in the basement over the weekend so I can start on the treadmill and actually watch tv. The boredom factor of treadmill walkking will go down significantly, let me tell you.
I'm trying a new recipe tonight and if it's a goodie, I''ll post it over the weekend.
Wish me luck and keep sending prayers. They really do help and knowing that people are reading/watching is keeping me honest and on track!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Sick as a diggity!

So I have the worst cold I've ever had in my life! I even had to call in sick to work today because I didn't want to infect everyone, including my patients! How is it possible I'm still hungry when I'm knocking at deaths' door? Go figure.
Day two of The FoodLoversFatLoss is all about creating a perfect fat burning plate/meal. You need a protein, a slow carb and then a fast carb, so basically: a meat/fish/poultry, a starch, and a vege. Sounds like common sense, right? What's new is the proportions for me. Half your plate is supposed to be the protein and slow carb. That means that I can't have 5 crescent rolls as my fast carb, or a half pound of mac and cheese!
But not really. Because in the right proportions, I don't get as hungry between meals and then wind up snacking to kingdom come. This is a good thing.
For lunch I had grilled chicken slices, loads of green salad and a piece of bread. May not sound like a lot, but believe me, I'm full and satisfied. So that means that the cookie and cake craving monster can be overcome today!
Tomorrow I weigh myself. SInce I started on New Year's Day, it will be a solid week of cutting back, even tho it' s only day 3 of the real diet. Say prayers for me tonight that the numbers remain in the negative. I have 5.5 months to try and lose the 50 pounds, so that's roughly 8-10 pounds per month, or an average of 2 pounds a week.
Sounds do-able? Let's hope
Updates tomorrow.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

the first day

So I'm almost done with the first day of the Food Lovers Fat Loss program. And it's been good so far. Day one is that you need to eat every 2-3 hrs - hey! I can do that easily. Don't know why I needed a program to tell me that. Oh, wait : Yeah - it's what you eat every 2-3 hrs that counts! A regular breakfast, then 2-3 hrs later a 100-200 calorie snak, then 2-3 hrs later lunch, then a snak of 100-200 calories, then dinner. If it's more than 3 hrs before you go to bed, you need another snak 1 hr before bed. This is easy. I can eat. I'm good at that! Also, everything thing that goes in your mouth - food, drink- gum, whatever, needs to be written down, along with the times you ate it so you can track how much you eat and burn. This is so different for me. Usually I starve myself as much as I can to lose weight. I think I've starved myself into obesity over the years. My body is so used to having no food that when I do eat, every morsel sucks itself to my insides and holds on tight, worried about when it's going to get something else to eat. So, eating so frequently is something I Have never done before.
I can get used to this!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

A new day

Well, I received - finally - the Robert Ferguson Program today FOODLOVERSFATLOSS. Lots of info in it and a really different way for me to view - and eat- food. No more "diet" foods like my much loved and much eaten Lean Cuisines. This program wants you to eat "real" food, including restaurant food ( yippie Olive Garden! ) I just finished the measurements profile - boy, was that humbling. I guess I really don't see myself the way I really am in 3D. Chubby just doesn't describe it anymore. I will not mortify myself by posting the measurements and weight here in this blog, but suffice it to say: WAKE UP CALL!! No wonder the size I keep buying in clothes doesn't look right. It's THE WRONG SIZE! Oh, well. No clothes shopping for several months.
The program comes in two parts. A 21 day jump start and then a maintenance part for several months. This I like. I can cook real food everyday and not worry about loading up on pre-made dinners. Again, this I like. Lots.
There's a ton of info in the program about foods and they way they are metabolized, used and not used. I'll be posting the interesting stuff along the journey. Keep praying for me for strength and will power. It's five days into the nEw YEar and I haven't cheated yet by overeating or eating junk. That in itself almost qualifies as a miracle.

Sunday, January 3, 2010


Okay, so I had a body breakthrough! Since friday I have lost 3.4 pounds! Yippie! Now, I know that's probably all water and little fat, but, hey! Who am I to complain. A loss is a loss, according to Weight Watchers, Inc!
So, I figured it would be a good idea to write why I needed to take this journey at this time. Our clinic - which will be referred to from this point forward as "Hades, Inc." has this project called 20/20,. No, it has nothing to do with the Eye department. It is a projection that for the year 2020, Keene would like to be the healthiest community in the United States. To start this off, Hades, Inc instituted a program called the Employee Health Wellness Initiative, whereby any and all employees could be weighed and have all sorts of blood work drawn. Based on their overall results, they were then given options to choose from if there were any abnormal or potentially health related issues discovered. Of course my husband, Mega-man, flew through the process and was given a whistle clean bill of health. I believe, if I'm not mistaken, that he has the body and cardiac status of a seventeen year old male. I, on the other hand, was labled "obese" by their statistical analysis, and given a liteny of potential problems to worry about.
Now, I always knew I was a cubby girl, and I could have lived forever without any worries if labled "overweight."
But OBESE! That word brings with it a slew of negative and unattractive connotations and descriptions. Slovenly; lazy; unattracive;gross. You name it. No one was every called "Pleasingly obese!" No, that phrase doesn't cut it. Really, think of all the people you know who are OBESE.
Here's the few that popped into my mind immediately: Louis ANderson, Comic; Oprah ( yes, Oprah!); Ted Kennedy. Okay, he's dead, but he was huge when he died. That black girl in Precious, the movie. ANy member of TLC's Half ton people TV series.
Not a group I really want to be a special part of.
So, That's when the decision was made that I will not go through the next half of my life like I have the first: big, unhappy, unfit and unhealthy.
Three days into it and I haven't cheated yet. Prayer helps. ALOT! So keep them coming for me.