50 Pounds for 50 Years

A journey from fat and unhealthy to lean and fabulous!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Sick as a diggity!

So I have the worst cold I've ever had in my life! I even had to call in sick to work today because I didn't want to infect everyone, including my patients! How is it possible I'm still hungry when I'm knocking at deaths' door? Go figure.
Day two of The FoodLoversFatLoss is all about creating a perfect fat burning plate/meal. You need a protein, a slow carb and then a fast carb, so basically: a meat/fish/poultry, a starch, and a vege. Sounds like common sense, right? What's new is the proportions for me. Half your plate is supposed to be the protein and slow carb. That means that I can't have 5 crescent rolls as my fast carb, or a half pound of mac and cheese!
But not really. Because in the right proportions, I don't get as hungry between meals and then wind up snacking to kingdom come. This is a good thing.
For lunch I had grilled chicken slices, loads of green salad and a piece of bread. May not sound like a lot, but believe me, I'm full and satisfied. So that means that the cookie and cake craving monster can be overcome today!
Tomorrow I weigh myself. SInce I started on New Year's Day, it will be a solid week of cutting back, even tho it' s only day 3 of the real diet. Say prayers for me tonight that the numbers remain in the negative. I have 5.5 months to try and lose the 50 pounds, so that's roughly 8-10 pounds per month, or an average of 2 pounds a week.
Sounds do-able? Let's hope
Updates tomorrow.

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