50 Pounds for 50 Years

A journey from fat and unhealthy to lean and fabulous!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

the first day

So I'm almost done with the first day of the Food Lovers Fat Loss program. And it's been good so far. Day one is that you need to eat every 2-3 hrs - hey! I can do that easily. Don't know why I needed a program to tell me that. Oh, wait : Yeah - it's what you eat every 2-3 hrs that counts! A regular breakfast, then 2-3 hrs later a 100-200 calorie snak, then 2-3 hrs later lunch, then a snak of 100-200 calories, then dinner. If it's more than 3 hrs before you go to bed, you need another snak 1 hr before bed. This is easy. I can eat. I'm good at that! Also, everything thing that goes in your mouth - food, drink- gum, whatever, needs to be written down, along with the times you ate it so you can track how much you eat and burn. This is so different for me. Usually I starve myself as much as I can to lose weight. I think I've starved myself into obesity over the years. My body is so used to having no food that when I do eat, every morsel sucks itself to my insides and holds on tight, worried about when it's going to get something else to eat. So, eating so frequently is something I Have never done before.
I can get used to this!

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