50 Pounds for 50 Years

A journey from fat and unhealthy to lean and fabulous!

Friday, January 8, 2010

One week down

So I'm in a negative number catagory. Yippie! And right on track - 2.4 pounds for the first week. Not bad. I start exercizing tomorrow - that is if this lousy cold every abates! I've stopped blowing out brain matter, but still feel like crap. Anyway, diet talk: According to the program I am eating every 2-3 hrs and am starting to feel hungry between meals, which is what is to be expected when the metabolism starts to speed up. So this looks like it is working so far. I usually never feel hungry until I am absolutely starving, and by then I am getting comatose from sugar lows. Now, I am starting to feel hungry which Robert Ferguson tells you is what is supposed to happen. So at least I am doing something right.
The nice thing is that I am eating real food, not processed stuff and I am enjoying the preparation part of the cooking again. FOr the first time in my marriage my Hubby and I will be eating the same thing at meal times. As far as exercising, Larry is planning on hooking up the cable in the basement over the weekend so I can start on the treadmill and actually watch tv. The boredom factor of treadmill walkking will go down significantly, let me tell you.
I'm trying a new recipe tonight and if it's a goodie, I''ll post it over the weekend.
Wish me luck and keep sending prayers. They really do help and knowing that people are reading/watching is keeping me honest and on track!

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