50 Pounds for 50 Years

A journey from fat and unhealthy to lean and fabulous!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

More about the GYM

So I'm going again today after work.
This week I went monday, tuesday, wednesday, took thursday off, then last night and again today.
Now the questions I ask myself are : is this helping? Do I feel leaner? Do I look smaller? Do I feel like I have more energy?
1. Do I feel leaner: no
2. DO I look smaller: I don't think so
3. DO I feel likeI have more energy? NO, I'm EXHAUSTED!!
SO, is this going to the gym helping me in any way??
Probably, I just can't see/feel it yet.
So I will keep going and let you know what happens.
Pray for me and my joints!!

Friday, April 16, 2010


Most of you know I hate going to a gym. I do it, but I hate it.
Not because I hate to exercise, which my better half believes.
But the GYM itself is what I find upsettling.
Many sweating men.
Many sweating, smelly men.
Many overweight smelly, sweaty men who think they are Brad Pitt!
This just plain repulses me to see.
Then there are the diva girls. The ones who wear skin tight second skins to exercise in, their toned butts non-jiggling away on the treadmills and stairsteppers, who are in full makeup, hair and perfume.
The perfumes are almost as bad as the sweaty man smells.
ALmost, but not quite.
And I can never watch what I want to watch on the tv. IF I didn't get to it first, the first person to turn the channel will lay claim to the remote, watching stupid shows on the Food Channel.
Really? In a gym when you're trying to LOSE weight? You want to watch a baking tourment?
I much prefer exercising in the privacy of my home. My television channels are my own to choose; since I don't sweat, I don't stink, so the smells are lovely'; and I don't have to get dolled up in skin tight clothing that enhances my bulgies.
Of course it's a lot easier NOT to exercise at home too. I can always find an excuse to put it off: the laundry needs to be done; the litter box changed'; the porch dusted.
So going to the gym is a much better option if I really do want to exercise.
I just hate the GYM so much!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The value of exercise

So I went back to the gym.
I know: I can't believe it either.
Being away this weekend and using the gym in the hotel really pushed me to go back. I haven't been in the gym since last fall. I hurt my back and it just got too easy not to go back once I felt better. The gym at the hotel was chock full of the machines I like in a gym, so I felt good using them and that endorphin rush continued once I got back home. So I went last night after work and then again this morning.
I'll admit, I'm a little sore in places I haven't been sore in in a while, but it feels like a good sore; a worthwhile sore; a beneficial sore.
I also just found out I am a finalist in the Robert Ferguson 8 week weight loss challenge that ended last Tuesday!! Now God knows, I will not win anything, but I am thrilled to even be considered. After I got the email I had to write a 500 word essay on how the challenge helped me.
That was super easy.
So say a quick prayer for me the something comes from this.
And even if it doesn't, I am still plugging along and doing everything I am supposed to.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Vacationing and Eating

It's very difficult, I have found, to stick to a regime of good eating when you are away from your comfort zone - namely your house!
While in Boston this past weekend, I did great for breakfast and my first snack. But lunch and dinner were another story.
Although I didn't go hog wild and eat everything not nailed down, I did breaka few Ferguson rules.
1. I didn't eat every 2-3 hrs and because of this, when 3pm came around I was absolutely starving - something I'm not supposed to be because when I am starving, my insulin levels go all wacky. So, we were in a bar in boston waiting to take a brewery tour and I wanted a bowl of soup. They were out of the soup of the day so I had chicken tenders.
Fried chicken tenders.
Poor choice, but everything on the menu was fried. So my decision to eat something - antyhing at that point - was somewhat valid.
For dinner we went to PF Chiangs, a super chinese food restaurant,
Yup. Chinese food.
Most of that cuisine if wok fried.
It may be in a wok, but baby, it's still fried in the end!
I had cashew and almond chicken. Lots of veges - even tho they were coated in sauce, and some - I assume - wok fried chicekn pieces.
No the best choice I know. I could have had something vegetarian, but hey - I hadn't been out for a while and wanted something good.
No dessert - which was a good thing and then we walked back to the hotel whichw as baout a mile and chang,e so I didn't feel too bad.
I realize that I can't bring all my food for an entire trip every time I go somewhere, so I really need to start making much better choices.
next trip to boston I'm having something really healthy.