50 Pounds for 50 Years

A journey from fat and unhealthy to lean and fabulous!

Monday, March 22, 2010

A great day.

I had a great day today, foodwise. I was hungry when I was supposed to be; ate what I was supposed to eat when I was supposed to eat it; and I exercised.
A great day.
But I have to admit, it was work. Writing everything down in my journal; planning all the meals; lugging all my food to work with me, including my beverages; having my journal on me at all times.
It requires a great deal of planning and preparation and work to lose weight.
It really is just so much easier to eat what you want when you want.
And that, at its core, is the reason why it's easier to gain weight than lose it!
Lightbulb moment, folks.
When I journal the food I eat, I get to see a snapshot of what my calories and distribution of carbs and protein are. If I just eat what I want when I want with no recording of it, I never know where I am caloriewise or with correct foods. This makes a HUGE difference in how fast and how much I lose weight.
Whenever I have recorded every morsel that has gone into my mouth, I actually OWN the food I've eaten. If I don't journal, it's very easy to just "forget" the foods I ate, including the crappy ones, and make like I never even ate them.
How many ways can you say "Denial?"
Get it?
Okay, Another great day tomorrow! I'm "Planning" for it.

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