50 Pounds for 50 Years

A journey from fat and unhealthy to lean and fabulous!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

The taste of things...

So I went to a wonderful retirement dinner last night that I made the goodbye cake for. Soft french vanilla cake, with chocolate moouse filling and buttercream frosting. I was soooooooooooooooooo looking forward to having a piece because I haven't had cake in soooooooooooooooooo long. When it came time to dole out the cake, I heard everyone "MMMMMM-ing" when they ate their pieces.
I was disappointed.
It actually didn't taste as good to me as cake has tasted in the past and I was worried the cake was lousy! But everyone else ate every piece, so I have no worries about that.
Have my sweet taste buds changed since I've been on this plan, was my first question. Since I don't indulge in tons of cake and candy anymore, has my desire and natural taste for things like this gone?
It's a double edged sword question, because I'd like to think that if my taste buds HAVE changed, that maybe the weight maintenance won't be so hard. I had the craving for the cake all week but when reality hit, I was not thrilled. This may bode well for my future.
On the other hand, if my taste buds HAVE changed, does that mean that other food will no longer be appealing - food that I should be eating like fruit that's sweet, or sauces.
We'll have to see what the future of my taste buds holds.
Here's a funny side story. Recently I had a conversation with one of my beautiful sisters-in law and she posed this question: if you could be told the exact date and time you would die, would you want to know? I said "yes!" immediately and she asked me why.
My response:" If I knew exactly when I was going to die I would stop dieting immediately and eat everything in every portion that I wanted, because it wouldn't make any difference in the long run to my health or how I looked.."
If that's not screwed up diet thinking I don't know what is!!

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