50 Pounds for 50 Years

A journey from fat and unhealthy to lean and fabulous!

Sunday, March 14, 2010


I feel like I'm a nutritionist-wannabe! But here's some more foodie news that I think is worthwhile.
Researches from Tufts Universtity ( not exactly a slacker institution, so they must know that of which they speak!) analyzed the diet habits of a random 434 people. They found that those people who ate three servings of whole grains daily - mainly from morning cereals - had lower body mass indexes that those who didn't. Roughly 25.4 to 27.3. These people also had about 5% less fat around their bellies.
Whole grains are typically very fiber rich, so the researchers figure that the fiber in the cereal may pump up digestive hormones, which improve your sensativity to insulin, which in turn leads to reducing the amount of fat your store - esp. in the middle region of your body. The moral of this is that if you eat fiber rich foods, esp. whole grains in bread, cereals, pasta, you can reduce belly fat.
Now, as an aside to that, The FERGUSON plan I am on instructs you ONLY to eat whole grains in most of your fast cars. I have eaten no while flour foods since January 1 of this year. My weight loss aside, my stomach has definitely shrunken. It no longers looks bloated and even feels as if it is smaller. So the fiber issue is truly an important one.\
One adjunct to increasing fiber, tho, is that you have to drink more water to make sure you don't dehydrate yourself. I'm gonna let you fingure that one out by yourselves. I don't want to be TOO graphic here!
Moral of today's post: eat good cereal - I'm not taking Cap'n Chrunch here folks, but good cereals, like Cheerios, Wheaties, Raisin bran, those kinds, and switch to 100% whole grain bread. Be a lable detecetive to make sure your bread REALLY is whole grain. It must be listed in the first 2 ingredients and shouldn't say 'Made from enriched white flour.' That IS NOT whole grain!!


  1. Peggy keep at it I admire your determination

  2. Thanks a bunch! it helps to know wyws are watching me in cyberspace!!

  3. i really meant to say...it helps to know EYES are watching me in cyberspace!!

  4. I appreciate you sharing the nutritional tips too. We all win! Thanks.
