50 Pounds for 50 Years

A journey from fat and unhealthy to lean and fabulous!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Keeping in line with what makes people fail at weight loss plans is the subject of people and situations that sabotage the efforts. These are the people who - for whatever reason that motivates them - always try to get you to eat things you shouldn't, try things you know aren't good for you, encourage your to overindulge in desserts or alcohol, and who basically don't want to see you attain your goals. Included with that are situations that have failure built into them such as buffets, and allyoucaneat deals at restaurants.
How do you deal with these potentially dangerous situations?
The easiest way to avoid people who you know want to sabotage you is basically that: avoid them. If the co-worker you know drinks like crazy and thinks happy hour appetizers is a meal choice on par with breakfast or dinner invites you to got out, just say no. Nicely, but firmly. If you know the smell of those buffalo wings will put you over the edge, don't put yourself in the mix.
If you're invited to a wedding where the choice isn't chicken or fish, but BOTh and filet, and wings, and macncheese, etc, have a plan before going. When I know it's going to be a buffet, I tend to eat something before I leave for the event, that way I won't be starving and eat anything that isn't nailed down. I can make better choices without the thought that I need to eat everything in order to get my money's worth or have a good time. I've been to events recently where I haven't eaten a thing because I ate before I went and I just wasn't hungry or tempted.
If you have to eat - hey it's s it down dinner and you don't want to look like a crazy when everyone around you is eating and you're not, just make better choices. You don't need to eat the bread on that table. Pass it around instead. I share my meal sometimes with my husband. I remember one event we went to years ago where I gave him my filet mignon and he had already eaten his! There are always way to get around overindulging and sabotaging any efforts you've made in weight loss.
Don't let saboteurs get you down!!

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