50 Pounds for 50 Years

A journey from fat and unhealthy to lean and fabulous!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Back to basics

Remember when your Mom told you to eat your vegeatables because there were starving people in 1. Boliva, 2. Asia, 3. Africa, 4. Haiti ( take your pick) and you said, "well, send them this stuff ( !) just so you wouldn't have to eat them??
I heard this refrain nightly growing up and still didn't eat my veges because they justed tasted lousy. Now granted, my mother was possibly the world's worst cook. Nothing was ever seasoned and she considered boiled carrots a delicacy, so my choices growing up to eat well and healthily were few and far between.
But even as an adult, I still have trouble choaking down some veges, broccoli being the most difficult. The only part of a salad I like is the lettuce or spinach used as a base. FOrget peppers, onions, tomatoes, and anything else you can add to it. I just eat the lettuce. Plain. No dressing.
I know, pathetic.
So I've really made a conscious effort to try to incorporate more veges into my diet. The easiest way to do it for me is to mask them. For instance, last night I made a quiche. It had spinach, and green and red peppers in it in addition to the eggs/egg whites and cheese.
Delicious. I've also included asparagus at times.
The idea of eating a carrot in its entirety gags me, but I like them finely shredded on and in salad at times. Yes, I will eat a salad with more than just lettuce!
Omelets are great for hiding veges, too. Vegetable lasagne is downright tasty!
One dinner favorite is baked eggplant on flat bread. Slice the eggplant really thin and lay it out on flat bread dough or even pillsbury rolled out crescents. Season with garlic/herb salt and baked until crispy. Love this!!
I know people have recipes they like that hide or - to use a better word "incorporate" -veges into them. Send some to me and I'll try them and post them here.
We all need to eat more veges. I never have a problem with fruit - but the vegggie eating is tough.
Help me!


  1. I can't imagine life without salads! During the past three years we've transitioned from mostly chicken and beef dinners to lots of dinner salads instead. But our dinner salads include lot of great tasting selections. hey generally include: lettuce, baby spinach(iron), shredded carrots, snap peas(a guilty pleasure I do admit!) olives (real olives from the Hannaford olive bar) chick peas (because I need the protein), cukes, tomatoes (which is a fruit!) and a sprinkle of feta cheese -generally the low fat selection. Occasionally I'll add a hard boiled egg to top it off. I admit, I often enjoy a piece of sour dough or crusty italian bread with my dinner salad too. Together it's filling and delicious! Oh and for dressing, a sprinkle of basil, parsley, olive oil and balsamic vinegar. Delish, as Peg would say!

  2. I'm making a salad like this over the weekend for sure!! thanks, Jill.
