50 Pounds for 50 Years

A journey from fat and unhealthy to lean and fabulous!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Up and running.

I listened to the hour long webcast from Robert Ferguson last night and actually did learn a few things. I should be eating every 2-3 hrs, regardless of how many snacks that would make for me. If I eat breakfast at about 430 am - which I do , and then lunch at 12, dinner at 7, using his program I need to snack before 730 am, 1030 am and then 3 and 6. That's alot of eating! But his theory is that you need to keep your body in fat burning mode and not fat storing mode, which is what happens naturally after about 3 hrs of not eating. Your body doesn't know where it's next meal is coming from, so it starts to protect the stores you have by going into storing mode. If you eat consistently, your body is "tricked" into thinking it will always be getting food at a prescribed time, so it doesn't worry about your starving to death ( not gonna happen to me ,regardless!), and starts to rev up metabolism-wise. This must be what has been happening to me because I am ALWAYS hungry after about 2.5 hrs and I am still losing weight. Where has this man been all my adult life??!! I can eat and lose instead of not eating and not losing - or worse, gaining, which is what ususally happens to me.
So for breakfast today I had oatmeal and protein powder at 430. A banana at 730. A yogurt at 10am and then lamb salad at 12:30. I have a snack left for 3 and then I'll nibble on a clementine when I get home. Dinner will be at 7 like always. Unbelievable amount of food for me.
Tomorrow I am going to start exploring the psychological reasons why I eat - or ATE - the way I did ( do!) I have a new mindset now so I have to get the right tense too when writing.
Here's a thought-plan for tomorrow: Think about all the reasons you eat. Not when you eat, but why. List them and then compare them to mine when I list them here tomorrow. Should be interesting.

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