50 Pounds for 50 Years

A journey from fat and unhealthy to lean and fabulous!

Monday, March 1, 2010


For years, when I was a new nurse, I didn't eat breakfast. I just didn't feel hungry in the morning when I go tup, plus I thought my uniform looked better with an empty, flat stomach.
I know. I have issues.
Any weight loss plan or diet guru ALWAYS tells you to eat a good solid breakfast when you wake up and the science behind that advice is sound.
When you're asleep, your metabolic rate lowers and decreases, basically starving you. When you starve yourself for more than 8-10 hrs ( the normal time from dinner until you wake up) your metabolic rate actually lowers by 40%, throwing your body into protection and storage mode. YOur brain doesn't know the next time you are going to get a meal, so it protects you by slowing down the rate at which you burn your energy stores, kind of like when a bear goes into hiberation for the winter. YOur body panics, thinking it won't be fed, and hangs on to every ounce within you. Or pounds, in my case!
By eating breakfast when you arise, you're effectively telling your body "hey, it's okay. Momma's got food in the pantry! Go ahead and burn some calories for good measure."
It's been proven by study after diet study that people who eat breakfast tend to be thinner, and that Chronic DIeters who started eating breakfast tend to keep their weight off with more ease.
Now this doesn't give you a license to go get a cheese and buscuit egg mcmuffin with hash browns and potatoes. But a good, solid, nutritional breakfast is a sound idea.
I had Irish Oatmeal with walnumts and protien powder this morning.\
What'id you have??

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