50 Pounds for 50 Years

A journey from fat and unhealthy to lean and fabulous!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Most of you know that I don't drink alcohol. This is a personal choice based on events that unfolded in my childhood.
Enough said about that.
Tonight on the Robert Ferguson teleconference he made the point that putting certain foods in your mouth ( body) is a choice. To whit - you KNOW you shouldn't eat that 6 pack of Twinkies, but you do because you have made the choice to. A conscious, personal, free choice.
Having made that choice you need to live with the consequences - again to whit- excess weight caused by the fat and crap in the Twinkies!
I never ever thought about it that way - that eating to excess, or eating something BAD for you -is a personal choice.
You DON'T have to eat it. It isn't calling your name, or forcing you to pick it up. You have made the free choice to eat it and must live with the effect of that choice.
Let's look at it this way: you NEED to eat to survive. That's a fact. If you don't eat, eventually you will die.
But you don't NEED to overeat to survive. You need a certain base of calories each day to keep you walking around on the planet. Anything extra that isn't burnt off will store and we all know it stores as fat.
So if you eat the correct amount of calories your body needs to just walk around daily, you will maintain your weight. IF you eat less, you will lose. If you eat more, you will gain.
That's kind of simple math, isn't it!
So, if I MAKE the choice NOT to eat something I don't NEED, I can control my weight.
So starting here and now I make the choice NOT to overeat. I make the CHOICE not to eat junkfood.
I make the choice to lose the excess I don't need.
Choice. It's a good thing.

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