50 Pounds for 50 Years

A journey from fat and unhealthy to lean and fabulous!

Monday, March 29, 2010

Post Weekend

I survived the weekend and didn't overeat.
Back to work today and structure. I love it.
TV Chef Jamie Oliver has a new show on ABC about getting this country's kids healthy and moving. I watched a clip of it over the weekend and it wasn't bad. 99 % of the kids in this town that has been called the fattest and unhealthiest in America couldn't identify simple vegetables when shown them. They didn't know what a potato looked like right from the ground, having always eaten mashed ones with gobs of butter and salt. Forget eggplants and artichokes. These kids didn't even know what real lettuce looked like.
I felt bad for them and angry at their parents, esp when 99% of THEM were mobidly obese and setting their kids up for the same life.
In a town where EVERYTHING gets fried, including Twinkies, this is a small microcosm of what this country has become. A country of over indulgent, overeating, obese, out of shape and unhealthy citizens.
Fat knows no political parties, gender or nationality. It's basic math for all: if you put more in than you need and don't use the excess, it turns to FAT, plain and simple.
So Jamie is trying to do what Michelle Obama is trying to do and get our kids to push away the tatter tots for colored veges and fruits; put the Ipod down and get outside and play; get moving; get healthy.
When I was kid NO ONE but me sat home and watched TV after school or on weekends. The kids in my neighborhood were outside, skipping, jumping, running and BURNING calories. I was at home with the tv as my only friend and boxes of Entenmann's chocolate donuts to keep my company.
Kids now sit at their computers in their rooms all day and night, typing away. The only thing on their bodies that gets exercise is their fingers from all the keystrokes. No wonder they are the fattest generation in history.
No wonder they are the unhealthiest generation of all time.
No wonder theirs is the first life expectancy that will be less than their parents.
This is and should be a national disgrace.
Do something good for mankind today: if you see a kid encourage him to DO something physical; ask him to put down the Drake's cakes and forgo the sugared sodas.
Make his life better.
He WILL thank you one day. He WILL - hpefully -live long enough to thank you.

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