50 Pounds for 50 Years

A journey from fat and unhealthy to lean and fabulous!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

No weighing!

So day 5 of this program is on, and the audio cd this morning tells me that I can't weight myself anymore until the end of the 21 day induction phase. Are you kidding me??!! I weigh myself 2-3 times a day! Not to be able to do it for another few weeks is going to TORTURE . Egads! I'm trying to psyche myself up for this, but of all the rules so far - and they've been fine and easy so far - this one is definitely going to be the hardest to perform. I'd rather give up Ring Dings ( which I have!) for life, or be told I can never drink real soda again ( which I can't!) than be told not to weigh myself for multiple weeks. Arghhh!!
SO that little pound count-downer at the left of this page is going to sit immobile for a while, folks. Sorry. Gotta follow THE RULES. Posting here will keep my honest. Otherwise I'd say hey, no way and be on that scale every 6-8 hrs. That really is a little much, now that I think of it. A little obsessive. COmpulsive, even. Maybe a touch psychotic.
Okay. Enough about the scale.

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