50 Pounds for 50 Years

A journey from fat and unhealthy to lean and fabulous!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Week 4 begins....

not with a bang but not a whimper, either! One of my bestest friends, Jill, sent me a card today with a caterpillar on it. Inside, she wrote that she chose the card because of the transformation I am in the process of undergoing - like a caterpillar to a beautiful butterfly. Boy, Jill ALWAYS picks the best and most appropos cards! She's a Zen master at it; she just gets it right. I do feel like this weight loss journey is a metamorphosis of sorts. I am finally starting to emerge from my cocoon of fat and self loathing into a new being. And like any change, it takes time, dedication and consistency. So as I enter my fourth week, I am reminded of why I started this journey: to become healthy and whole in mind, body and spirit as I approach my 50th year on earth. It will not happen overnight but over time; it will not be easy, but will require me to fight and work hard - just as the butterfly must work hard and fight to free itself from the shackle of its cocoon. Once free of the weight, I will "fly" off into my newfound life of health and wellness.
That Jill. She always - and I mean ALWAYS - gets it right!


  1. Hey Peggy it sounds like you are doing a great job!! I am proud of you! Keep up the great work! Hi to Larry

  2. Peg, that is fantastic! You're sticking with it and you continue to motivate me! And believe me, my abs are thanking you for your efforts!
