50 Pounds for 50 Years

A journey from fat and unhealthy to lean and fabulous!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Off to the Ballgame!

Okay, so today starts my first, real test with this food plan ( notice I didn't say "diet.") We are traveling and will be eating out a few times. I have already prepared my morning snack and lunch and I threw in a few more snacks for this afternoon and the ride back tomorrow, so I will not be tempted to purchase something on the fly. Breakfast is provided by the hotel, so I know I will be okay with that. My biggest worry is tonight for dinner. I have my foodloversfatloss plan book with me, so when we decide where to eat, I'll flip through it and find the best meal that fits the plan.
Okay. So, here I go. Wish me luck.
Prayer helps, too!